The Selection of any Hockey India Members team should be undertaken to select the best deserving players to represent their Member Unit in any Hockey India sanction tournament or district level tournaments.

  • Composition of Selection Committee Prior to the selection trials, a Selection Committee is to be formed/constituted with the main aim to enable selection of the best possible representatives for each particular position. The Selection Committee should consist of minimum three members and all should have hockey experience and ideally be former senior players / coaches who have expertise in the field of modern day hockey. Details of the Member Unit Selection Committee should be posted on the website on the Member Unit.
  • Selection Procedure The following should be ensured for selection trials:
  • Dates of trials should be informed at-least two weeks in advance to all Districts / Zones / Clubs and respective organizations which are affiliated to the Hockey India Member Unit.
  • The details of the selection trials should be posted on the website of the Member Unit including date, time and venue etc along with any pre-requisite details required.
  • The details of the selection trials should be issued by press release and shared on email with all districts, zones, clubs and academies in the state.
  • Where possible the Selection Trials should be held more than once to ascertain the capabilities of all available players.
  • Where possible a core group should be selected and trained prior to selecting the final team for the tournament. This would also enable a set of younger players to gain expertise from their seniors during their training schedule.
  • Should a deserving player due to injury, be unable to attend the selection trials, the player may be considered at the discretion of the Selection Committee at a later stage.
  • The final minutes of the Selection Committee Meeting during the trials should be signed by all the members of the Selection Committee (minimum three members) and a copy of the minutes must be available on record with the General Secretary of the Member Unit and be available to Hockey India if requested.
  • Composition of Selection Committee The State Selection Committee should ideally comprise of:-
  • 2-3 ex international hockey players (with at least 1 of either gender)-Chief Coaches of the State –Men / Women-1 doctor-1 Strength and Conditioning Coach4.Selecting Players from Another Hockey India Member Unit If members are selecting a player that is registered for another Hockey India Member Unit then they will need to obtain an NOC from that Member Unit prior to the player being permitted to play. Members are advised to consult the Hockey India Player Transfer Policy for further details.

Selection from State Championships:

Selection Procedure- Kerala State Sports Council Grant in Aid Regulations

  • State Sports Associations are primarily responsible for judicious selection of sportspersons for participation in major National events based on merit and with the objective of enhancing the prestige of the State of Kerala and bringing glory to the State. As such the best sports person/ team has to be chosen for representing the State by a Selection Committee.
  • The State Sports Association shall constitute a Selection Committee consisting of the following five members.
  • President or Secretary
  • State Coach or Coach appointed by the Council in the concerned discipline.
  • Two Ex-international/National or Ex-prominent players of the sports discipline concerned, out of which one shall be a Woman.
  • An Observer of the Kerala State Sports Council nominated from its members.
  • It will be mandatory for the Association to inform all the members of the Committee including the Observer regarding Selection Committee Meetings and important State and National Competitions sufficiently in advance.